Kissing Jessica Stein

That leaves your portion at $42.73,
and mine at $1 8.1 4.

Beautiful. Perfect.
You have exact change?.
It's so funny,Jessica.
But I go out with a lot of girls.
A lot.

And Ijust-- I don't know.
Ijust freelso--

so comfortable with you,
so at home, so free to be myself.

Normally, I'm a pretty
"self-defecating" guy.

Let me tellyou something.
You're "phat. "

I'd love to see you twirl
in that dress.

- With a P-H.
- Twirl.

Oh, okay.
[ Mumbling ]

- As it were, per se.
- I like the wayyour hair...

- Uh--
-... goes around your head like that.

- You know what I mean?.
- You know?. You know?.

- Whoops! I spilled some.
- What's not to get?.

I thinkwe're connecting,
and I'd like to representyou...

as your accountant
and your boyfriend,

that's at all possible.

Okay, the New Yorker loves us.
The reviewer is creaming in her pants.

- So exhale, please. Okay?.
- Okay.

His back has been like
solid concrete all night.

Your boyfriend has on
his serial killer face again.

He's scaring
some ofrthe guests.

He's been
a little needy lately.

I'll talk to him.
Oh, hon.
You are late.

I'm sorry. My cab driverwas Ukrainian,
and my Slav is only so-so.

[Woman ]
Soyou wanna do something later?

- I'm gonna be at the library later...
- Oh, yeah?.

- in the 1 6th century archive, nude,
- Mm-hmm.

with a bookmark dangling
precariously off of my dick.

So I'll be waiting foryou.
Oh. Should I bring

unbelievable body...

andaphoto I.D..
anda library card.

- Pickup.
- Oh, yeah. It's right this way, please.

# You're so readynow#
# The frruit is ripe
fror takin'##
