- So exhale, please. Okay?.
- Okay.
His back has been like
solid concrete all night.
Your boyfriend has on
his serial killer face again.
He's scaring
some ofrthe guests.
He's been
a little needy lately.
I'll talk to him.
Oh, hon.
You are late.
I'm sorry. My cab driverwas Ukrainian,
and my Slav is only so-so.
[Woman ]
Soyou wanna do something later?
- I'm gonna be at the library later...
- Oh, yeah?.
- in the 1 6th century archive, nude,
- Mm-hmm.
with a bookmark dangling
precariously off of my dick.
So I'll be waiting foryou.
Oh. Should I bring
unbelievable body...
andaphoto I.D..
anda library card.
- Pickup.
- Oh, yeah. It's right this way, please.
# You're so readynow#
# The frruit is ripe
fror takin'##
## [ Continues ]
Oh, where have you been?.
I've been waiting foryou all day.
They got me mad busy today.
- Martin, where's Helen?.
- Delivery.
[ Moans ]
Wait. I'm still working.
[Man OverSpeaker]
Sorry, sweetie. Line one.
Jesus Christ.
Okay. Got it.
[ Moans ]
Helen Cooper.
Why are you always doing these things
to destroy this relationship?.
We're not in a relationship.
We're in a situation.
- You have to stop right now.
- Yes, and I'm sureyourwife
feels the same way.
Listen, I gotta baby-sit
this show.
What areyou doing later?.
How's 1 1 :00 foryou?.
- How's right now foryou?.
- [ Moans ]
Thanks very much.
[Woman ]
How does this art makeyou freel?
Does it turn you on?.
Does it make you hot?.
D.oes it scareyou?
D.oes it minimizeyou as a man?