Kissing Jessica Stein

[Telephone Ringing]
[Telephone Ringing]
[Helen Over Machine ]
Hey, it's Hel. Leave it at the beep.

[ Woman, Husky Voice ] Hi. My name's
Nan, and I'm calling aboutyour ad.

I'm looking fror someone
with a big heart, an open mind,

and an adventurous spirit.
Also, in the long term, I'm looking
fror someone to mother a child with me.

- Wouldyou be into that?
- [ D.oorbell Rings ]

- Be quiet. You get it.
- Come on. I t'l I be adorable.

I t's not adorable. You are totally
loving this, aren't you?.

Please. I'm 1 60 pounds
and I wake up vomiting.

I have to live
through someone.

- Go. He's looking.
- This is embarrassing.

- Okay. Be quiet.
- He's staring. It's gonna be weird.

- Hi. I'm Charles.
- Hi.

-Jessica. [ Chuckles ]
- [Telephone Ringing]

Hey, it's Hel.
Leave it at the beep.

[ Woman ]
Hi, Helen. I'm calling aboutyour ad.

I would really like to meetyou
as soon as possible,

becauseyou sound
really special.

And to tell you the truth,
I'm hangin' on by a thread here,

and I couldreallyuse
someone special.

So, um,
just call me, okay?

# Sky's blue #
# You know what I'm freeling
You know #

# The verysweet sound
ofryour laughter ##

## [ Continues ]
[Jessica ] Oh, my God. Whatever.
I'm so happy...

to be eati ng a meal with i ntel I igent
people-- you have no idea.

That's us?.
I know, right?. So thankyou all
for not being freaks or morons...

or using words incorrectly.
Bless you all.
Tell me about it.
Most people I meet at the salon...

are totally "malcompetent."
So, Charles,
what aboutyou?

Have you had a horrible time
out there too?.
