It is shyness before--"
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
- This one stinks.
- Actually, I think it's Freud.
Rilke. Uh,
one ofthose, I think.
Oh. Sorry. Guess I should read on.
"But only someone--"
Does he, um,
describe himself?.
Esoteric quote man?.
Let's see.
Oh. That's
women seeking women.
You know what, guys?.
Um, I really have a lot ofwork to do.
- Would you mind terribly--
- No. No, no, no.
Thanks. Sorry.
- Jess? Charles can make it
tonight after all.
- Yeah.
- So you're gonna get to meet him.
- Oh, good.
That would be great.
- Hey,Joan, is it okay
if I bring a date tonight?.
- Oh.
- Sure. The more, the merrier.
- Great. I'll seeyou tonight.
You invited Josh?.
[Telephone Ringing]
[Telephone Ringing]
[Helen Over Machine ]
Hey, it's Hel. Leave it at the beep.
[ Woman, Husky Voice ] Hi. My name's
Nan, and I'm calling aboutyour ad.
I'm looking fror someone
with a big heart, an open mind,
and an adventurous spirit.
Also, in the long term, I'm looking
fror someone to mother a child with me.
- Wouldyou be into that?
- [ D.oorbell Rings ]
- Be quiet. You get it.
- Come on. I t'l I be adorable.
I t's not adorable. You are totally
loving this, aren't you?.
Please. I'm 1 60 pounds
and I wake up vomiting.
I have to live
through someone.
- Go. He's looking.
- This is embarrassing.
- Okay. Be quiet.
- He's staring. It's gonna be weird.
- Hi. I'm Charles.
- Hi.
-Jessica. [ Chuckles ]
- [Telephone Ringing]
Hey, it's Hel.
Leave it at the beep.
[ Woman ]
Hi, Helen. I'm calling aboutyour ad.