La Mentale

Still at your scams!
You can't quit, eh?

It's not my day!
You gonna diss me too?

I gotta hear
your big brother routine?

I gotta be
in fruit and veggies like you?

Remember, you used to say
"money makes the man"!

I don't mind your gangsta shit!
If ya got more luck than me,
stick with it!

But do it well!
It's your fault, I gotta work scams!
Yanis won't take me on.
Good. What they're doin' is nuts!
You're the best car thief around.
But you screw people.

You don't get it, man.
Stealin' cars is for shit-eaters.
I want in on the big stuff!
I want 'em to shake
when they hear my name!

I wanna be a legend like Yanis!
If you get hurt, think of our folks!
One of their kids already fucked up!
They won't make me a bum like you!
Who's a bum? You understand life?
You can read people's minds?
Let go of him!
Shut up, let go of him!
Come on, I'm waiting for ya!
- You can't beat me up now!
- Shut up, or I'll shut you up!

I'm a man now!
Don't hit him!
I'm tired...
I'm so tired...
I can't live this way anymore.
I can't take this yellin' anymore!
Sorry, Mom.
He scares me,
always scamming everyone!

I know, son.
You have to protect him, he's a baby!
