l may be able to get 5hours more.
- That sounds good.
l'll have less time to write.
- You only work 14hours aweek.
lt is 14hours too many.
l'mwasting my time teaching.
lf only l could pay all the bills,
you couldwrite your stories.
But we've gotyour debts, abroken
dishwasher and awreck of a car.
So 19 hours is better than 14.
- lt's anovel, not a story.
Tell them to shove the 5hours.
l already saidyes.
Hi, Trine-darling!
She wants her braces off now, but
l insisted on the last6 months.
Do we agree?
What's up?
They say if you agree,
l can have the braces off now.
That sounds pretty cool.
Use a glass.
No, it doesn't sound cool.
She didn't get them just to quit early.
- Your mouth isn't full of steel.
You're only 14,
so your parents decide.
That's how it is.
And l'm doingyour dishes
so you're doing it after dinner.
''That sounds pretty cool''.
You hippie.
Okay, boys and girls,
it's dinnertime.
lt looks great.Wow.
Katrine, turn that off.
We don't watch TVwhile we eat.
They taste great.
Sorry, Kristian.
l've got to get to Dad's by 8.
Wontons take ages to make.
- l'll eat them later.
They taste great with chili sauce,
which you don't have.
But they're also goodwithout it.
See you.