Pietje Bell

Peter Bell, come and help!
Goodness me, what a load of baggage.
How long will you stay? A year?
I've had a terrible journey.
It took four hours. I had to change
three times.

You should have come by train.
- It's much too expensive.

Who are you?
I'm little Pietje.
- Well, are you Pietje.

I've never seen you.
- I haven't seen you either.

Give me a kiss.
You should go and see a doctor.
Really? Why?
- You have a terrible mole on your nose.

Is the child always so cheeky?
I taught him to speak the truth.
Shall we take a taxi?
- No, we'll walk. It'll do us good.

I hope she buzzes off soon.
You will mend them for free, won't you?
I wasn't planning to pay.

I didn't have anything to wear,
so I had to come and see you.

Now I'd like to take a nap.
All that luggage exhausted me.
Pietje, ask your father to be quiet
while I have a sleep.

You wonder why...
Be quiet. Aunt Cato wants to sleep.
Shall I show you my room?
You're sleeping in my bed.
