Bad answer.
Good afternoon, Mr. Bertram, Sir.
Oh, excuse me.
A reminder: report to the
conference room at 2:00 p.m., OK?
Uh right... Mr. Poppitz, is it
all right if l call you back?
Everything's settled for now.
Our junior
executive's incompetence ...
has aIways fit in decisiveIy
in my Iife pIan.
That blue minivan
wasn't a sleeper after all.
That's your 4th SUV this month.
My fifth, actually. Here.
lt's yours.
You don't have to.
-lt's no skin off my teeth.
For years, haIf my saIes have
gone to fIuffing up his stats.
Why am I such a good samaritan?
l want to keep reminding the nerd
just how much he needs me.
What kind of mood is he in today?
Don't ask me.
Well, gentlemen.
You promised me we'd have sold
the Supra to Germany by now.
So, what's the problem?
Where's my son anyway?
Where's Schartl?
Still down in the showroom.
What were you
doing in the showroom?
That's why we're here, right?
You hit the nail on the head.
Here, Dad.
Take note, gentlemen,
you can learn from Mr. Schartl
and my son.
l sometimes wonder, Bertram,
when you have time to sell cars.
You're hardly ever around.
lt's stuffy in here.
Can we open a window?
Right away, Councilor, Sir.
Bertram, please.
Well then,
who mentioned negotiations
with Germany?
Why do you say Germany, Dad?
l'm not senile, nor am l deaf.
Someone said something about a
potential buyer in Cologne.