Roger, all I'm saying is that I wish my
sister would learn to read a subway map.
By saying that, you disregard
the primary importance...
of utility in human relationships.
Our ability--
Men's ability to read maps...
to navigate, makes us useful.
You should discourage your sister
from even looking at a map.
Are you saying that we women
have an inferior sense of direction?
Which way is north,Joyce,
without looking around?
You heard me. Point north.
Quick. North.
Quick. North.
North. North.
- You're right.
- Is he right?
- He's right.
- Very impressive.
As she has throughout history...
the female responds to the male
who displays the most utility.
By honing those skills
which make me useful...
I stave off
my inevitable obsolescence.
You stay home honing your ability
to program a VCR?
My VCR's been flashing 1 2:00
for three years.
What else, Roger?
Oh, driving a standard shift.
Lifting heavy things.
- Air guitar.
- Yes, yes.
Go ahead and chuckle, okay?
But until women evolve the ability
to move objects telepathically--
and they will--
physical strength
remains a primary utility.
Here's to brute strength then.
Roger, you're forgetting
a very important male utility.
What's that? Barbecuing?
Yeah. I want a guy to do more
than just program my VCR.
Oh, I'll program your VCR, baby,
like you never had it.
It's a top-loader.
You think you can handle that?
Interestingly, a group of scientists
in England...
just announced their intention
to fertilize an egg...
without the use of sperm cells.
I don't understand that.
Every cell in the human body
contains a copy of the genome pattern.
The only reason sperm cells
have all the fun is that up until now...
they were the only ones with access.
Within Christopher's lifetime,
artifiicial insemination...