Doamna Yepremian
As vrea sa vi-l prezint
pe noul meu asociat, dr Brooks.
Este aici pentru Ziua Carierei.
E adorabil.
Vrea sa fie stomatolog,
ca si tatal sau.
Sa vedem ce se intampla acolo.
Oh, Doamne!
Aah... Dr. Brooks, o sa doara?
Mi-e teama ca da, putin.
Mai mult decat un gadilat,
dar mai putin decat sa-ti platesti impozitele.
Subtitles by marios007Helios Greece
Mrs. Yepremian
I would like you to meet
my new associate, Dr. Brooks.
He's here for Career Day.
He's adorable.
He wants to be a dentist
just like his dad.
All right, let's seewhat's going on in there.
Oh, boy.
Aah... Dr. Brooks,is this gonna hurt?
I'm afraid just a little.
More than a tickle
but way less thanpaying your taxes.
That's right.