That wasn't there
a minute ago, was it?
Are you kicking me?!
l'm way over here!
l felt something
against my foot.
There's something under me!
Come look!
l don't see anything , Juni.
Let's just concentrate
on getting to shore.
Okay, it's about 200 yards.
-- lf we kick steadily
at one foot per kick,
we'll reach it in , um...
-- 25 minutes?
-- l don't know.
My calculator
doesn't work.
-- Whoa!
-- Whoa!
Juni , what did you do?!
The air's coming
out of our suits!
We're heading towards shore!
''Travel heavy''!
Good idea!
All right.
Give it a rest.
Ugh. Ugh.
Okay, we're gonna set up
a campsite,
put up the tent,
build a little fire.
And roast marshmallows?
l can't believe this!
What happened?
-- Nothing -- that's just it.
That was supposed to make
an instant campfire,
and that was supposed to make
a shelter.
None of our gadgets work.
You mean we have to use
our heads?
Big office...