Stark Raving Mad

...I start drilling into the
alarm nest in the circuit panel...

:09:07 Betty can reach the first two
alarm systems and take them off line.

Jake Nealson was big on
the metal scene in the late '80s.

Pyro guy, worked
on all the huge tours.

Then grunge came along
and Jake found himself tending bar.

But tonight, Jake makes
his glorious return to pyrotechnics.

He's gonna put a new door
in the wall...

...and, uh, hopefully
not kill us all in the process.

OK, so maybe
he's not a real demolitions man...

...but at least he doesn't
owe allegiance to Mr Gregory...

:09:34 every other real bomb guy
on this coast.

And I gotta tell ya, underneath
that crunchy chocolate shell...

...Jake's a big, warm nougat of a guy.
Then, once Betty's
got those two down...

...l'll blow the wall to the bank,
and in goes Jeffrey.

2am, after Jake opens
the new door in the wall...

...I hang a clothesline,
go in over the sensors.

Jeffrey's our box man.
His family's owned the Pinkerton Safe
company for four generations.

Jeffrey grew up assuming he was next
in line to take over the business...

...but his father felt that Jeffrey
was a superstitious little fuck-up...

:10:10 the old man left the company
to Jeffrey's younger sister.

Jeffrey swore he'd get his revenge...
:10:15 breaking into every safe
his family ever designed.

More or less proving his father
right, come to think of it.

Anyway, he's gonna get a little
closer to his goal tonight. I hope.

3.50am, I'm on my way out of
the vault with the goods in my bag.

4.30am, I get the bag to Gregory...
...and we are rich.
By the time the rave ends in the
morning, and the alarms go off...

...we'll be long gone.
OK, Rikki, like we talked about.
You get the rave loud, man,
we keep it loud.

This has got to read above 6.0.
If it drops below that, the alarm
goes off and we're fucked.

6.0, man.
You can do this tonight,
I know you can.
