-Sure this place is okay?
-What do you mean?
-Black people go in here?
-If they're desperate to pee, they do.
-But your mother's is--
-I need to go before then.
Take the register,
I gotta get back to the motel.
-Your husband called.
He needs to see you.
Next time, tell him to take
a long walk off a short pier.
-Smoking or non?
-Could I use your bathroom?
-It's straight back to the right.
-Thank you.
Excuse me.
Hi, there. You been helped yet?
No, my wife's just using
the facilities.
-You need a room?
You've been gawking at the motel.
We have a few vacancies,
but it'll fill up soon.
-I was looking the property over.
-The property?
The whole strip, actually.
If you're from the County,
we had our sign moved back.
I was just trying to imagine what it
would look like without buildings.
-Kind of mentally undressing it?
-You could say that.
-You work for that Plantation outfit?
-Yes. I'm supervising the expansion--
They don't have enough
of the coast already?