Sunshine State

Excuse me.
Hi, there. You been helped yet?
No, my wife's just using
the facilities.

-You need a room?

You've been gawking at the motel.
We have a few vacancies,
but it'll fill up soon.

-I was looking the property over.
-The property?

The whole strip, actually.
If you're from the County,
we had our sign moved back.

I was just trying to imagine what it
would look like without buildings.

-Kind of mentally undressing it?
-You could say that.

-You work for that Plantation outfit?
-Yes. I'm supervising the expansion--

They don't have enough
of the coast already?

It's just a study,
a what-if kind of thing.

What if I told you my daddy would
never sell to Plantation Estates?

I'll be happy to pass it on.
I'm Jack Meadows.

-You're a developer.
-A landscape architect.

I help them decide what they want,
push some dirt around....

They wanted my opinion
on the whole shoreline here, actually.

-So how's it look?

Without anything on it?
It looks terrific.
HQ says that'll be our beachhead.
Then we'll take the rest of it.

The other side has this end locked up
and they're infiltrating Lincoln Beach.

-We're not opposing?
-Zoned residential, hostile population.

It's a minefield. Whereas right here
is the soft underbelly of the island.
