It is pretty.
If you want to help save it, we're
protesting at the groundbreaking.
-I'm just visiting.
-They won't know the difference.
So this is like an ecological thing?
We're trying to save
an endangered species.
I heard about this place
when I was a kid.
Forties, fifties...
...Lincoln Beach was it.
Only oceanfront in three counties
we were allowed to step onto.
Black folks, I'm talking about
the pillars of the community...
...got together and bought this land,
built the houses.
You'd drive through a couple hundred
miles of redneck sheriffs...
...park your ride on the boardwalk,
step out and just breathe.
Over there was Henry's Lounge.
That place used to jump.
-So, what happened?
-Civil rights happened. Progress.
Used to be you were black,
you'd buy black.
Jim Crow days, you needed a shoeshine,
wanted a taxi to the train station...
...you wanted some ribs,
a fish sandwich...
...chances are a black man
owned the place you got it in.
Now, the drive-thrus serve anybody.
But who owns them?
Not us.
All our people do is wear paper hats
and dip out them fries.
Only thing we got left are
funeral parlours and barbershops.
But now we can do anything.
Them that can get over do fine.