Over there was Henry's Lounge.
That place used to jump.
-So, what happened?
-Civil rights happened. Progress.
Used to be you were black,
you'd buy black.
Jim Crow days, you needed a shoeshine,
wanted a taxi to the train station...
...you wanted some ribs,
a fish sandwich...
...chances are a black man
owned the place you got it in.
Now, the drive-thrus serve anybody.
But who owns them?
Not us.
All our people do is wear paper hats
and dip out them fries.
Only thing we got left are
funeral parlours and barbershops.
But now we can do anything.
Them that can get over do fine.
Them that can't are
in a world of trouble.
Tell the judge what you told me.
I said I'm sorry for what I did.
I wasn't thinking right.
You know that sorry won't cut it
in this case, don't you?
Yes, ma'am.
You're still on probation
for a previous offence...
...yet you deliberately
committed this act of vandalism.
Do you have any explanation
for your actions?
No, ma'am.
When somebody destroys something
that stands as a symbol for people...
-...that's desecration.
- It's a wooden pirate.
An icon in this community, nonetheless.
You're almost old enough, given
your record, to be tried as an adult.
You have two strikes against you.
A third, and there will be--
Mrs. Stokes has assured us she'll
maintain control of the situation.