My character, Addie Bundren,
is deceased.
In the second act, I rise from the dead
for my soliloquy...
...but the local funeral parlour
has nothing suitably rustic.
Do you think you could you build me
a coffin?
"We hereby claim sovereignty
over this island...
...in the name of his majesty,
Philip el Segundo of Spain.
Furthermore, this tribunal declares
the mulatto, Calavera...
...otherwise known as Captain Skull,
guilty of piracy on the high seas...
...a crime against God and nature, and
sentence him to be cast into the sea...
...there to perish by drowning."
Does the condemned have
a final statement?
A curse on the lot of you.
Up the Jolly Roger!
Thus was the black flag
of the buccaneer...
...replaced by that
of Imperial Spain...
...one of many reversals of fortune...
...that mark the colourful history
of our community.
We'd like to thank Presto Pools
for the equipment, and remind you...
...that the annual Treasure Hunt
will begin tomorrow at the Delrona Mall.
Entrants should meet
at the Piercing Pagoda at 10:00.
-Guess who I met earlier?
-You're not telling people I'm back?
I didn't recognize him without the helmet.
But you remember a football player
named Flash Phillips?