Sunshine State

Thus was the black flag
of the buccaneer...

...replaced by that
of Imperial Spain...

:43:18 of many reversals of fortune...
...that mark the colourful history
of our community.

We'd like to thank Presto Pools
for the equipment, and remind you...

...that the annual Treasure Hunt
will begin tomorrow at the Delrona Mall.

Entrants should meet
at the Piercing Pagoda at 10:00.

-Guess who I met earlier?
-You're not telling people I'm back?

I didn't recognize him without the helmet.
But you remember a football player
named Flash Phillips?

Every step we take is on someone's toes.
This town expects me to work miracles
with a handful of volunteers.

This bunch from Lincoln Beach say
they're gonna picket our groundbreaking.

-They complain about parking....
-The whole point is to be away from that.

-This afternoon was embarrassing.
-What? No! I thought it went fine.

-For a Chamber of Commerce thing.
-Nobody came.

-Turnout was terrific.
-Something isn't clicking.

I worked this one place,
they had the blessing of the fleet.

A bishop in his hat,
boats all dolled up. What a draw.

-I can't do religious here.

And what's our fleet? A bunch
of charter boats and day sailers.
