A member of the community
has a word for us today.
It is my hope that you'll give your
heart and your mind to his thoughts.
Dr. Lloyd.
Thank you, Reverend Sutcliff.
Good morning.
The matter I came to discuss...
...is not exactly religious...
...but it is a matter of the spirit.
My name is Marly Temple.
I'm visiting Jack Meadows.
Is this where they put you up?
This is one of the few unsold units.
I'm trying to figure out why.
I haven't been in here since
your outfit took it over. It's pretty.
Before, unless you were
hunting armadillos....
-So you decide what trees live and die?
-That's part of it.
-That's kind of like being God.
-Do you remember the last hurricane?
-That's God. I'm just a hired hand.
Last year, a majorette breathed so
much exhaust she nearly passed out.
So if you see the spacing
getting too cramped...
...get on down there
and direct traffic.
Honey, I'll be riding
with the Fire Department.