Is this where they put you up?
This is one of the few unsold units.
I'm trying to figure out why.
I haven't been in here since
your outfit took it over. It's pretty.
Before, unless you were
hunting armadillos....
-So you decide what trees live and die?
-That's part of it.
-That's kind of like being God.
-Do you remember the last hurricane?
-That's God. I'm just a hired hand.
Last year, a majorette breathed so
much exhaust she nearly passed out.
So if you see the spacing
getting too cramped...
...get on down there
and direct traffic.
Honey, I'll be riding
with the Fire Department.
Can you drop the car off
at the high school...
...and get somebody to give you
a ride downtown? You're an angel.
Where is the driver
of the Tropical Paradise float?
We can't move anything.
Where is he?
They were bombing around town in a car
they'd borrowed without asking.
This officer went after them.
He was new on the force...
...otherwise he would have just
called my daddy.
-They were trying to get away?
-They hit the causeway doing 90.
Then they saw patrol cars
waiting down at the other end.
They did a 180 like
out of a Burt Reynolds movie.