Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie

What happened?
The black nail polish, black lipstick, black
eyeliner, black hair, Liquid-Paper-white face.

I'm sorry. Didn't we used
to call that Halloween?

They walked in the front door, and l
looked at that little girl and just went:

I'm trying to be nice, and my daughter
said, "Daddy, this is my friend Lucy."

And I said, "Hey, Luci...fer."
She looked at me like,
"l will set you ablaze right now."

Nobody tells you about that
when you have kids.

Nobody tells you about the stuff
you never hear about.

Nobody told me kids would get out
of their bed and come into your room.

My son developed this really bad habit.
He would come to my side of the bed...

...and he'd get that close to my face.
And just stare at me.
You ever get that feeling when you know
you're being watched? He'd be like:

-"What? What? What? "

He starts crying.
My wife goes, "You scared him!"

I'm like, "Hell, he scared me!
Jesus, put a bell around his neck!"
And if I ever find out who told
my son this, I will kill him.

Apparently, somebody told my son
there's a wiener thief out there.

And if he takes his hand off it,
they gonna snatch it away.

His hand doesn't leave his pants.
It's like his own little worry stone.

He's just:
I told him. I said, "Boy, that thing's
got a shelf life. Trust me."
