-"What? What? What? "
He starts crying.
My wife goes, "You scared him!"
I'm like, "Hell, he scared me!
Jesus, put a bell around his neck!"
And if I ever find out who told
my son this, I will kill him.
Apparently, somebody told my son
there's a wiener thief out there.
And if he takes his hand off it,
they gonna snatch it away.
His hand doesn't leave his pants.
It's like his own little worry stone.
He's just:
I told him. I said, "Boy, that thing's
got a shelf life. Trust me."
Then we had to have the big talk this year.
I was on the road. My wife called and said,
"You need to have a talk with your son."
Guess he's in trouble.
She goes, "His friends taught him to go on
the lnternet, and he brought up a sex site."
And I said, "Oh, God."
I said, "Baby...
...did you write down
the name of the site?
Just for reference."
She goes, "Shut up."
I wanted my talk to be more informative
with my son than my dad and l's was.
I said, "Dad, when will you
tell me about sex? " He goes:
"Here, just read this Penthouse Forum."
So I wanted my talk
to be a little more informative.
I wanted my son to know about things
that could actually happen to him.
I'm still waiting on the VW bus full of
cheerleaders, but that hasn't happened yet.