are free
to perform pleasant ones.
The last thing I care about
is what you think.
I got it, Jack.
Open your fucking ears.
Orchard and Sidwell were
in San Diego working for me.
You and Bobby will do
whatever it takes...
to clear Jack O'Hearts.
Find some bad guys
and get a search warrant!
-You listening?
-I'm listening, Jack.
You better be listening!
I don't need you making shit up!
Take the warrant and serve it
with Rico's platoon.
Do what you do.
Where are you going?
It'll be a beautiful thing.
Pull this off, you'll be
sitting on waterskis...
sucking fumes
from my new boat...
a couple of kegs and hookers
in Lake Havasu.
Stick this
in Holland's mailbox...
and get your asses
back on the street.
Forget finding the real guys?
Did I hear that right?
Hey, Perry.
You guys get anywhere with
that Jack O'Hearts case?
We just had a breakthrough.
How are you guys doing?
Just got a drive-by
a 12-year-old wasted
an ice cream truck driver.
Another normal day.
Good luck
nailing those bastards.
Keep us posted.
Sit down, Bobby.
We're going to find
a couple of assholes...
and bury them
in the Jack O'Hearts.
We cannot pin
four murders on patsies.
No fucking way.
The real shooters need to be
taken off the streets.
I absolutely agree with you.
They're vermin
and should be exterminated.