So this part...
I mean, you are exactly
the height that I imagined.
You have the right build,
the right hair,
the right basic look.
Know this:
I will do any form
of drastic cosmetic surgery
to change my appearance
to help the look.
But-- and this
is a very big but--
this is a huge acting part.
I mean, the entire movie
hinges on this performance.
And, Dickie, I just don't think
you could handle it.
I mean, because, well...
because you're
not a real person.
Not real?
I don't mean to insult you.
It's just that, you know,
when an actor researches a part,
it takes weeks,
sometimes months,
to get inside of a character.
For you
to research this part,
you'd have to find out
what it's like to be normal.
Because basically,
that's this guy.
He's just a simple, normal guy.
I could do that.
That's easy.
But you don't even know
what normal is.
You completely missed out
on the basic foundation
of adulthood--
which is a childhood.
Who cares about all that stuff?
Look, I'm good.
Throw me
a little somethin'-somethin'
from this supposed childhood
I missed, I'll act it out, man.
Check it out.
A-All right. Uh...
Let's say you're...
you're six.
Uh, let me see
the look on your face
on Christmas morning
when you creep down the stairs
and you see that red bike
under the tree.
You probably never
even had that experience.
Gotcha, six, bike, tree, stairs.
Fake stairs.
Holy shit! A bike!
You're six.
Holy crap! A bike!
You're six.
Ga-ga, goo-goo bikey.
Too far back.
Dickie, you're a mess.
I mean, l-I don't know
what you'd have to do
to straighten out.
You'd probably have to relive
your entire childhood.