A babe. A kid throwing rocks
at soIdiers.
Another babe.
A madman in an asyIum.
A naked girI! A Biafran with a
hard stomach. They're waffIing!
Why don't you just get PIayboy?
- I don't buy it forthe nudies.
- Yeah, right!
Hypocrite. It's porn
for peopIe who wanna Iook smart.
- There he is!
(cantine beII ringing)
- Whatcha got today?
- Same as aIways. Whatcha want?
Pay up!
- I ain't paying, thief.
- Yourtreat, then.
- I ain't paying for him!
- Ham sandwich and a coffee.
- Broke my Ieg yesterday.
I'm a bum horse.
- Hey, you crazy kid, don't start!
- Gimme a quarter.
I want a cigar!
- You nut. Work for it.
- You, gimme a quarter.
- Haven't got one.
- Yes, in your hand.
- No, onIy 25c. No quarters.
Ask him! He's got Iots.
- Just one!
- That's enough, Dan. Here.
- Thank you!
- Dan! Look at the girI!
- Jesus! Big tits. Tits...
- Christ aImighty. Enough!
Come on. Dan, stop fondIing
yourseIf and get your cigars!
- Thanks.
- How much?
- $125.
The stereo's worth
more than the car.