Gaz Bar Blues

- Yes, in your hand.
- No, onIy 25c. No quarters.

Ask him! He's got Iots.
- Just one!
- That's enough, Dan. Here.

- Thank you!
- Dan! Look at the girI!
- Jesus! Big tits. Tits...
- Christ aImighty. Enough!
Come on. Dan, stop fondIing
yourseIf and get your cigars!

- Thanks.
- How much?
- $125.

The stereo's worth
more than the car.

- Who is it?
- Like it?
- It's Andy Just.
- Man, this guy can cook.
So, you're Guy's brother?
- He wants to be friends?
- Our new bass pIayer.

- Hope he's faster on bass.
- There's gas here, hoId it back.
- OK.

- Charge the gas
and 4 pints of oiI.

- No partying. You start at 6:00.
- I'II be there.
- I don't wanna be stuck here.
- Trust me, Rejean. Bye.
- See you.
