- Wanna turn off the engine?
- No.
You're Rejean, eh?
Fucking ugIy name!
Don't put yourtooI away before
you squeeze out the Iast drop.
- That's five bucks.
- Put it on my tab.
- You have no tab here, onIy debts.
For credit, you ask beforehand.
- The boss gives me credit.
- WeII, I don't.
- Don't screw with me. I'II pay Iater.
- No.
- Shithead, what if I Ieave?
- I'II caII the cops on you.
- You're an idiot!
- ''XDE119.'' Come on,
do me a favour and spIit.
- Put it on my tab.
- You wanted $5,
you got it. Pay up.
- You wanna fight?
- Let's go, come on.
- Coyote, he wants it.
- Get back in the car!
- Easy, Coyote. The boss.
- You making troubIe?
- No, just taIking.
How're you, Boss?
- Fine.
- Your son won't give me credit.
- Your biIIs are piIing up.
- I've never ripped you off.