- Shithead, what if I Ieave?
- I'II caII the cops on you.
- You're an idiot!
- ''XDE119.'' Come on,
do me a favour and spIit.
- Put it on my tab.
- You wanted $5,
you got it. Pay up.
- You wanna fight?
- Let's go, come on.
- Coyote, he wants it.
- Get back in the car!
- Easy, Coyote. The boss.
- You making troubIe?
- No, just taIking.
How're you, Boss?
- Fine.
- Your son won't give me credit.
- Your biIIs are piIing up.
- I've never ripped you off.
- But when things mount up,
you avoid coming here.
- I'II come the moment
I get my check. Promise.
Come on! I'II pay Tuesday.
- How much?
- Just 5 bucks.
- Two-faced prick.
- I'm good with your dad.
- Get out of here.
- Don't start up with them.
- We were taIking.
- I'm not bIind.
I came just in time.
- The joke's on us! You know
damn weII he won't pay Tuesday.
Everyone does it.
FIush, they go eIsewhere.
Broke, they get credit here.
And we Iet them.
What're they saying?
''No money?
ChampIain gives credit.''