Gaz Bar Blues

Won't chew coke
Won't chew...

You count fast,
but you'II never baIance.

I wanna chew coke
- Go rehearse outside.
- I wanna chew coke
- God, you're stupid! ''Wanna
chew coke'' doesn't mean a thing.

You know you're spewing garbIe?
- So, what is it?

- I'm aII shook up.
- I'm what?
- ''AII shook up'' are the words.
- Meaning?

- AII shaken or something.
- AII shaken.
Shaken up.
- That's right.

- EIvis, shaken up?
BIow off. That's not it.

What do you know about EIvis?
- I'm a musician. I know.

Know what?
He neverwrote one song.

- In my books, you're just a yob
wheezing into a mouth harp.

You ain't no EIvis.
(bIow out)
- We need a sign saying
the pressure's too high.

- Why? Most peopIe here
can't read orwrite.

- We couId put a drawing.
- Of a fauIty compressor?

- I'm no expert but I can read.
- He reads, he writes,
but neverworks.

- HoId on. I deIivered coffee.
- You must be tired! Sit down.
(Tv): The bridge between West Berlin
and Potsdam has been reopened.
