- You bigmouth.
- We aII know you're not
interested in femaIes.
You prefer your paper.
- Sure, sure.
- Bet you've never screwed.
No answer. It's true.
You've onIy seen nudes on paper.
We never saw you with a woman.
In 40 years,
has he ever had a girI?
- Fine, now knock it off.
- You're a virgin.
You ever kissed, at Ieast?
- WouId you shut yourtrap?
- Let him answer! UsuaIIy,
he has Iots to say, but now...
I can't hear him.
Enough of the 5-finger soIo:
you need to find a woman who
doesn't know you. You're scared.
- Go to heII.
- That's enough.
Get out, untiI you settIe down.
- Jesus, Boss.
I was just having fun.
- I don't find you funny.
As forthe swearing,
that's out. If you can't taIk
properIy in front of the kids,
don't come back. OK?
- I got a deIivery to do.
- Thank you.
AIain, get Joe.
We got a Ietter from Rejean.
''Hi, everyone. As promised,
you're seeing my photos first.
AIain, bring them home.''
(Rejean): I've been here
just one eventfuI week.
Apage of history is turning.