Gaz Bar Blues

- That's enough.
Get out, untiI you settIe down.
- Jesus, Boss.
I was just having fun.

- I don't find you funny.
As forthe swearing,
that's out. If you can't taIk
properIy in front of the kids,

don't come back. OK?
- I got a deIivery to do.
- Thank you.
AIain, get Joe.
We got a Ietter from Rejean.

''Hi, everyone. As promised,
you're seeing my photos first.

AIain, bring them home.''
(Rejean): I've been here
just one eventfuI week.

Apage of history is turning.
Berliners watch the waII
in disbeIief.

The whoIe city's partying.
I'm gIad I'm here.
I went to the opening
of the Brandenburg gate.
There were peopIe

from everywhere.
I got a girlfriend,
She works in a bar.
I Iive with her now. You're
jeaIous and so you shouId be.

She teaches me German.
We go forwaIks.
I meet her friends.
One Iends me his darkroom.
They party hard.
Tough on the waIIet.

I'II be shooting ''pickauers'',
the peopIe pick-axing
the waII for pieces.

The Iast photo's for you, Joe.
It's my corner, in a district
