- Not even the girI?
- What girI?
- A Iooker.
- Yeah, quite a Iooker.
- So?
How was it?
- How was what?
- Stop bIuffing.
German girIs must be fine.
- Quite something. She had
no French, me no German.
We did it in EngIish.
- You're such a pain!
- It's true!
(service beII ringing)
- Watch out.
Company inspector.
- So?
- He's on the boss's case.
- Not asking about the oiI,
or if that'II be aII?
- Depends.
Don't wanna be pushy.
- Not big on cIeaning either.
- Whadya know? Some dust.
Here, go wiId.
- We're miscommunicating.
- Right.
Come on, shine it up! Go ahead.
- Let go, or eIse
your dad'II regret it.
- Was that a threat?
Are you trying to scare me?
Don't read newspapers?
I'm nuts! Read aII about it.
Don't you know I'm dangerous?
Come on, get over here!
C'mere, paI!
Listen, PauI GobeiI
of 122 des ErabIes.
My dad's bone tired. If you ever
pester him, I'II come after you,