- Oh, boy!
If it ain't the Concrete King!
- HeIIo, Mr Savard.
- BuiIding underthe infIuence?
- Let's get one thing straight.
I won't taIk about what happened.
- Not even the girI?
- What girI?
- A Iooker.
- Yeah, quite a Iooker.
- So?
How was it?
- How was what?
- Stop bIuffing.
German girIs must be fine.
- Quite something. She had
no French, me no German.
We did it in EngIish.
- You're such a pain!
- It's true!
(service beII ringing)
- Watch out.
Company inspector.
- So?
- He's on the boss's case.
- Not asking about the oiI,
or if that'II be aII?