Gaz Bar Blues

- The Iist.
- What Iist?
Your mentaI Iist?
- My Iist of mistakes.

It's Iong.
- Come on, Dad.

- Want to hearthem?
I fired Guy,
and he moved out.

Rejean was so fed up,
he went to BerIin.

AImost went crazy.
And today...
AIain aImost got kiIIed,
a buIIet in the head.

I try to keep my boys
near me, at work.

I'm Iosing them one by one.
- Let's go in.
- No, you go...
I'II join you.
- Don't fret here
aIone in the dark.

- That's your image of me?
An oId man,

fretting in the dark?
- Not at aII.

I picture you at the Games.
- The Quebec Games?

- Rememberwhen I won
the 400 meters?

I didn't know you'd come.
Leaving the turn
before the finaI sprint...

I heard my name.
I saw you by the track,
yeIIing, ''Don't Iook back,
they're way behind!''

In your overaIIs, smoking.
I heard you.
