Beautiful scenery. Beautiful company.
Meanwhile, back on Planet England,
doctors and hospitals and constant worry,
and a very, very sick father.
It's why I'm still here.
Someone has to bring him back
to his senses, back to his responsibilities,
back home.
The truth is, the longer he stays,
hiding away from it all,
the less likely he is
to ever see his dad again.
You're very nice, I'm sure,
but you're not exactly helping.
I'm sorry if that came out...
You couldn't do me a favour, could you?
Just a little one.
I don't want you to feel like an errand girl,
so please say if you'd rather not, but...
I was going to drop these off myself, but as
you're probably going over there anyway...
You sure you don't mind?
It's just the other morning
I noticed he didn't put any on.
It'd be great if you'd give them to him.
I'll see you, Mandy.
Hi. It's me.
- It's Colin.
- What do you want?
You asked me over.
Are you gonna come in
or are you just gonna stand there?
It's my apartment.
I can stand where I want in my apartment.
I've never seen one of these.
May I sit in it?
- If you have to.
- I suppose the idea is you just