- I'll do it!
- You'll do it?
I'll do it for two bottles.
If I get two bottles I'll do it.
You'll get one bottle
and a new fishing rod.
- Yes, a new fishing rod.
- That's alright.
- That's okay.
- I like you!
- Likewise, I like you two too.
- Fine.
Do you really believe him?
Yes, there's no problem.
He'll do it. Take it easy.
I don't mean him, I mean us.
What are we doing? We are police officers.
Should we just sit down watching
while they're closing the station?
No, but...
We don't commit any crime,
we're just raising the statistics a bit.
- The statistics? We are conspirators now.
- Yes, but we hand back the goods.
Yes, but...
- Is that all?
- Yes. Do I get the bottle?
If I see you drink in the city,
you'll go to prison.
This is between us.
Is that understood?
- Do I get the fishing rod?
- You'll get it later.
- Later when?
- Later! Now go.
- You promised.
- Go now. You'll get it later.
- Did you see anyone?
- No.
Think, Benny, think...
What if they'd decided to
blow up the trashcan?
Aren't we going to eat?
Then they wouldn't have braked.
It's an ordinary trashcan.
But that is what's so...
There's breaking marks there too.
Benny. Look, Benny.
Hey! Stop! Freeze!
Stop! Freeze!