Leave it...
You don't seem too americanised.
No, not really.
At least, I hope not.
Didn't it go well?
Oh, it did. But three years
were enough for me.
I won't ask about America.
You'll get grilled later.
You're looking good.
So you said.
I'm impressed.
Your harem's looking after you.
Talking of the harem,
Aunt Line's doing lamprey.
You're warned:
it's lamprey for lunch.
That suits me fine.
Things haven't changed much
in three years.
It depends. Wait and see.
Wait and see what?
Just wait and see.
Want one?
Yes, please.
They still smoke in America?
Of course. You know,
they're less dumb
than they make out.
Anne's running for office again.
I suspected she would.
Michèle wrote
she loved being a councillor.
She'll be mayor next.
God help us!
You're not keen?
She already
has enough on her plate.
You see that shop thing there?
Her HQ. Pretty low-key.
It's a game.
No, she takes it seriously.
She'll explain.
She has political ambitions.
It's always interested her.
You don't want a wife in parliament?
Actually, I couldn't care less.
Don't tell her that!