-It is?
And now. . .wouId you
Iike to see the house?
First, we open an account.
Then you transfer the money.
Here is the IegaI description .
''Two oxen , two days.''
-I'm sorry.
-It's oId-fashioned .
The Iand is measured by
how Iong it wouId take two oxen
to pIow it.
Oh .
Oh , that makes sense.
Just Iike that?
Before the money's
been transferred?
It's a house, not a Vespa.
What are you going to do,
steaI it?
Besides, Signor Martini
Iikes you .
Okay. We'II take care
of the rest Iater.
FRANCE S; I have bought a houSe
in a foreign Country,
A houSe and the Iand it takeS
two o xen two dayS to pIow,
Not having a pIow or an o x,
I'II have to take their word
on that,
Buyer'S remorSe iS
a very Common affIiCtion
among new homeownerS,
JuSt beCauSe you have
a Sudden urge to weep,
that doeSn't mean
you've made a miStake,
Everybody knowS oId houSeS
have their quirkS,
ESpeCiaIIy 300-year-oId houSeS,
I have inherited 1 0, 000
empty wine bottIeS, one grape,
every iSSue of ''La Nazione''
printed in 1 958,
and aSSorted previouS tenantS,