By any chance...
Did someone ask you to ask me?
Tell them that for the next 3 months,
I'm only studying.
I won't have time for anything else,
so she should forget about me.
That's what I'd like to say,
but that would be bad manners.
Is she pretty?
In 3 months, I'll have a lot of time.
I wouldn't say pretty...
But she has a great character.
And she has little feet.
Is her English good?
A little.
When I find a woman to love,
I'll confess to her in English.
"I love you" in Korean is so corny.
"I love you, darling."
English feels different, doesn't it?
But if she doesn't understand English,
that would be embarrassing.
English, I will master you completely!
Come on, English!
Come on Elvis!
What has she been drinking...
I'll call the police
if you don't get down!
I love you!
Honey, call the police! Now!
Good night. E-L-V-l-SSSSSSS!!!!!!
I am the king of English!
Catherine! Wait! Coming soon!