Catch That Kid

Okay, race fans,
here we are.

The last race of the day!
get in position.

- [ Sizzling ]
- Hey, Mr. P, can l ask you
a very serious question?

Only if you want
a very serious answer.

Do ladies like guys who build stuff
with their hands?

Or do they go for the nerds who
play computer games and stuff?

Yo, what he means is...
do women prefer
a low-l.Q. über-male...

who only knows stuff
about spark plugs...

or do they prefer
a true artist...

who has both sensitivity
and a brain?

That's a very difficult
question, boys...

but l'm afraid
l'm not the one to ask.

- Hey, Madeline Rose--
- [ Both ] No, no, no, no, no!

Dad, don't call me that.
What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- Nothing. Nothing.

- [ Sizzle ]
- Ow, ow, ow! Ow!

Aah! Aah!
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

lt's an old
climber's trick.

[ Groaning ]
Dude, you're gonna have a scar.
Why do you get all the cool stuff?

lt's true. Women love scars.
This drives Maddy's mom crazy. Check it out.

- Whoa!
- That's gross!

- You can touch it if you want.
-ls that from when you fell?

Yep. Hundred-foot free-fall.
Okay, okay. Okay.
Stop touching.

Bad touch. Okay.
##[ Radio:Pop, Faint ]
Hey, stranger.
Not you too.
- Now, this... is a nutritious dinner.
- Please.

Don't give me
a hard time.

We just miss you.
Especially Maddy.
And l don't wanna have to set my alarm
for the middle of the night...

just so l can have
a date with my wife.

##[ Radio: Continues ]
- Would you like to go dancing?
- [ Laughs ]

- ## [ Humming ]
- [ Continues Laughing ]
