Yeah, Maddy...
it probably would be.
l've been thinking
since yesterday, and...
l love you.
Here. Um,
l have the other half.
- Please say all that again.
- Stop. Come on.
Promise to help
with the mission?
Just don't tell Gus, 'cause we need him,
and he wouldn't do it if he knew.
He'd be devastated.
- What about Austin?
- You're much cuter.
l've actually liked you
the whole time.
Yes! l knew it!
Uh, here.
l have the other half.
Promise to help
with the mission?
- Okay.
- Cool.
[ Maddy ] Okay, guys,
let's go over the plan one last time.
So, l took Maddy's pictures from the bank,
the model that Gus brought home...
and l scanned them
into the computer.
Using those elements,
l created a digital blueprint of the building.
Check it out.
VoilĂ .
That is awesome!
l mean, it's okay...
if you like
that kind of stuff.
Here's where
the party's gonna be.
lt'll be mostly contained
in the lobby of the bank.
lt's gonna be pretty fancy,
so we're gonna need to blend in.
Security's on the second floor, so we'll
have to get past your brother and Ferrell...