Uh, here.
l have the other half.
Promise to help
with the mission?
- Okay.
- Cool.
[ Maddy ] Okay, guys,
let's go over the plan one last time.
So, l took Maddy's pictures from the bank,
the model that Gus brought home...
and l scanned them
into the computer.
Using those elements,
l created a digital blueprint of the building.
Check it out.
VoilĂ .
That is awesome!
l mean, it's okay...
if you like
that kind of stuff.
Here's where
the party's gonna be.
lt'll be mostly contained
in the lobby of the bank.
lt's gonna be pretty fancy,
so we're gonna need to blend in.
Security's on the second floor, so we'll
have to get past your brother and Ferrell...
to get to the elevator that accesses
the ninth floor where the safe is.
Okay, and Austin, you'll hack into the bank's
camera system from Brisbane's office.
Gus, were gonna
make our way to the safe.
lt's suspended a hundred feet
off the ground...
so the only way to get to it
is to climb.
Maddy, are you sure you're gonna be able
to make this climb?
l mean, it's double the size
of the water tower.
You guys take care of your jobs.
l'll take care of mine.
They're gonna be doing a lot of tests
on your father tonight at the hospital...
so l wanna be there for that.
l'm gonna need you to look after Max
while l'm gone.
Mom, l can't. l'm going out
with Gus and Austin.
- You never think about me.
- lf you're not gonna come
to the hospital, then you're--