They found him strewn
across 9th Avenue.
And 10th.
Lola, I'm so sorry.
I had no idea.
Ironic, isn't it?
Your parents think my mother
is the destroyer
of our social order.
She's merely a victim of fate.
I like the chopsticks
in your hair.
Because Carla Santini
thinks she's Julia Roberts
and the universe is interested
in everything she says,
you can't help overhearing her.
So I had this really long talk
with Miss Baggoli yesterday
about the drama club's
production of "Pygmalion."
I told her I think it's really
rigid to stick to the original.
Not stick to the original?
Not stick to the exquisite words
of Mr. George Bernard Shaw?
We're not English,
and this isn't the 19th century,
so I think we should adapt the
classics to reflect our times.
They're classics
because they're classic.
Then I told her about my idea
to move the location
to present-day New York
and make Eliza a checkout girl.
You're gonna be playing Eliza?
Well, of course.
I've already got the part.
When I moved to Deadwood,
I really felt that a legend
was about to be born.
Was Carla Santini going to
stand in the way of that birth?
Miss Baggoli, Miss Baggoli!