
- Hello, is Steggie in here?
- Beware.

Hey, cake for Steggie.
- He can't eat that, it--
- Why not?

He's an herbiVore.
Oh, oh,
he's an herbiVore.

Okay, then
I'll just take it back.

- Wait, maybe leaVe it, just in case.
- Take it back.

- That's what I thought.
- Good night.

- Bye, Dad.
- Good birthday?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- Good night, Dad.
- Good night.

What was your
faVorite present?

- My jacket...
- Yay!

- ...You got me.
- You look so good in red.

What's on your agenda

Uh, I haVe to stop
by the gallery.

I haVe to pick up
a lens I ordered.

I haVe to get a new pair
of sneakers for Adam.

Ooh, I haVe to do you.
I could take care
of that right now.

HaVe you thought
about that job offer?

You do realize
it'd mean moVing, right?

( both sighing )
So, we'd moVe.
You know we used to think
we were pretty hip liVing down here.

I also used to think four Merit Lights
and a Diet Coke constituted a meal.

Honey, I loVe this place as much as you
do, but we'Ve got a kid to think about.

And I just don't think any city is
a great place to raise a kid these days.

Plus, you'd be making twice
what you're making now.

I'm just not sure the timing's right and
your photography is starting to take.

This is not about
my photography.

Okay, I just can't shake this feeling
that somehow...

I'd be selling out.
Right. Listen...
you know how much
I respect your ethics.

But this is about Adam.
Sometimes, ethics
haVe to take a back seat.

Okay, your turn.

- Okay, I'm going to a picnic...
- Yeah?
