He can survive there somehow.
You ask the impossible.
He intends to kill whoever is sent
after him, and then to die himself.
If an old friend Iike you
were to reason with him...
...that wouldn't happen.
You know him well.
If he lives he will become
a powerful man.
It will not hurt your prospects then
if he is in your debt.
Madam, please!
My gain or Ioss
is of no consequence.
If you wish...
...I will offer myself to you.
Whenever you say the word.
You mustn't say things Iike that!
Hazama has made this
a fight to the death.
He will die, or I will.
Our Iives are both at stake.
I will forget what you've said.
Please do the same.
You're an honest man,
just as my husband said.
I'm sorry to have disturbed you
so Iate. Good night.
Let me give you a Iight
for your Iantern.