Mean Girls

- That's really interesting.
- Thanks.

But you're, like, really pretty.
- Thank you.
- So you agree.

- What?
- You think you're really pretty.

- Oh, I don't know...
- Oh, my God, I love your bracelet.

- Where did you get it?
- Oh, my mom made it for me.

- It's adorable.
- Oh, it's so fetch.

- What is "fetch"?
- Oh, it's, like, slang. From England.

So if you're from Africa...
...why are you white?
Oh, my God, Karen, you can't just
ask people why they're white.

Could you give us some privacy
for, like, one second?

Yeah, sure.
What are you doing?
OK, you should just know
that we don't do this a lot,

so this is, like, a really huge deal.
We wanna invite you
to have lunch with us

every day for the rest of the week.
- Oh, it's OK...
- Coolness.

So we'll see you tomorrow.
On Wednesdays, we wear pink.
Oh, my God!
OK, you have to do it, OK?

And then you have to tell me all
the horrible things that Regina says.

Regina seems sweet.
Regina George is not sweet.
She's a scum-sucking road whore!
She ruined my life!

She's fabulous, but she's evil.
- Hey, get out of here!
- Oh, my God, Danny DeVito.

I love your work!
- Why do you hate her?
- What do you mean?

Regina. You seem to really hate her.
Yes. What's your question?
- Well, my question is, why?
- Regina started this rumor

- that Janis was...
- Damian! Shall we not?

Now, look. This isn't
about hating her, OK?

I just think that it would be, like,
a fun little experiment

if you were to hang out with them and
then tell us everything that they say.

- What do we even talk about?
- Hair products.

- Ashton Kutcher.
- Is that a band?

Would you just do it? Please?
OK, fine.
Do you have anything pink?

- Yes.
- No.

By eighth period, I was so happy
to get to math class.

I mean, I'm good at math.
I understand math.

Nothing in math class
could mess me up.

Hey, do you have a pencil
I can borrow?

I've only had one other
crush in my life.

His name was Nfume,
and we were 5.
