I mean, just to be pulling
this life force out of this woman's...
You know. It was just so...
The whole baby thing is...
- It's so cool.
- That's great, honey.
- That's great.
- So, you ready to go?
- I want to get to the airport.
- In a sec.
- Things always go wrong.
- We have four hours.
I wish we could set a wedding date
without our parents meeting.
This weekend is going to be fine.
- Your parents are great.
- They're great in small doses.
48 hours in Coconut Grove is a small
dose. Besides, you've won over my dad.
And that is the hard part.
It is true. I am still in the
Byrnes family Circle of Trust.
You're firmly in the Circle.
- Taxi.
- Taxi.
- You going to the airport?
- Yeah.
- Take mine.
- All right.
- Nice guy, huh?
- Yeah.
You two, you're up.
- Oh, dear.
- What?
Well, they overbooked coach.
So what does that mean?
Do we miss our flight, or...
Well, we are gonna
have to upgrade you to first class.
Thank you.