Is it the hat? Forget it.
Wear whatever you want, Tom.
It's not you.
It's nothin' to do with you.
It's been goin' on for a long time.
We're just... It's not workin' out.
We were gonna wait till after
the holidays to tell the kids,
and you know, with you here,
and with your Christmas cheer crap,
it's making it worse.
Tom, first of all,
I wanna reward you for opening up
with a big "thank you,"
that deserves some credit.
Second, let me tell you
what you need to do.
If I was you
and comin' into some money,
I'd do somethin' big, somethin'
you always wanted your whole life.
Somethin' that makes you happy.
I want the money. I really do.
It's Christine, she keeps...
All right. Let me worry
about Christine, okay?
I'll worry about Christine.
You worry about Tom,
'cause it's Tom time.
- [knocking] Christine?
- Yes, dear?
- Can I talk to you?
- Of course, dear. I'm your mother.
You can talk to me
about anything.
- Are you all right?
- Uh-huh.
You sure? 'Cause you just put
a bra in Brian's sock drawer.
Oh, well, that's your brother.
1 5. Likes to experiment.
We still love him.
Look, Christine, I know what's going on
with you and Tom,
and first of all,
I just wanna say that
I'm feeling a little ripped off here,
you know?
I thought I was getting a real family.
This is bullshit.
Well, it's time you grew up
and faced facts, isn't it?
Mommies and daddies
fall in love, make babies,
pay bills, get mad,
and stop touching each other!
Second of all,
I was thinkin' I could do something
to help you, make you feel better.
How about just me and you
go shopping?
- For what?
- I don't know. Just go shopping.
You know what I mean?
It's fun just to buy shit.
Listen, I know all the best
makeup and hair people.
The best fashion photographer
in Chicago owes me huge!