Is that thing glued to your fingers?
I almost forgot.
I think it's really important,
what we're doing for the kids.
I feel really good about it, don't you?
Toby, have fun.
- Mr. Buttermaker?
- Yeah.
Is it true you were on the Mariners?
Long ago and far away.
Here, carry that.
Where do we get the equipment?
Over there.
Sorry the stuff's so ratty,
but this is a six-team league,
and I'm afraid your boys are getting
the S-H-l-T end of the stick.
Yeah, I can spell "shit," all right.
Does she think I'm 11?
Girl softball players.
I think we all know
what that means, right?
- How you doing? Ray Bullock.
- Hey, Morris Buttermaker...
No, no, no.
No introduction necessary.
Morris "The Blade" Buttermaker.
Carving up batters, one by one.
Sound familiar? I used to watch you
over at Regis Field in high school.
You were amazing. Man, I was
just a kid, but you owned it.
It's great you're doing this, Morris.
I mean, a pro. Finally,
somebody who gets it, you know?
I gotta tell you,
a lot of these dads, they don't...
They don't understand the dedication
that it takes to run a serious program.
No offense, but that "Ms." Whitewood
friend of yours,
she's not helping things, you know.
I mean, yeah, I get it,
we were a little selective.
Kept some of the lesser players out.