Yeah, go ahead.
There's a moving truck
in front of Benson's house.
Did you hear?
The pressure of
coaching got to him.
He cracked.
How could he crack?
We're only one game
into the season.
All right,
Tigers, it's game time.
Oh, but we're waiting
for our coach.
Well, then one of you
will have to coach.
Yeah, but I had
talked to Coach Benson,
we're brand new--
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
All right.
Find yourself a coach,
or the Tigers forfeit.
Where do I know you from?
I've been your neighbor
for seven years.
No, that ain't it.
No, that's definitely it.
I'll figure it out.
So, who's gonna coach?
We got Mark into soccer,
'cause we wanted
to take a break.
I didn't think I'd be
coaching the little bugger.
I just got laid off.
I'm looking for a job
so it's hard enough
to drag myself out of bed.
So, uh, we forfeit.
So, we're forfeiting?
No, no, no, no. Uh,
you know what,
l--I can coach.
Well, that's swell!
Just for one game.
Right. It's game time.
Get your team on the field.
Who are we playing?
How about
you use your eyes?
Oh, great.
All right, guys. Everybody up.
Let's go, come on.
Let's go, come on. Lift them.
Lift them. Hey, hey, hey.
[people clapping]
What are you doing here?
Where's Benson?
Oh, Benson's a no-show.
I'm gonna coach
the Tigers today.
Ooh. You sure
you wanna do that?
How you doing, Buck?
Players take the field.
Good luck, Buck.
Yeah. All right.
Yeah, good luck.
Yeah, you too.
May the best man win?
Oh, he will.
J.T., let's go. Hey, let's go,
everybody. Hey, hey!
Okay. Let's go, guys.
Okay, Tigers, uh,
why don't we have
starters take the field?
We don't have starters,
we never got that far.
All right. Well, then,
how about, uh you,
you, you?
No, not you.
You, Sam, you, you, you,
and you.
You guys, hit the field.
All right!
Go get them. Huh?